Selfie Stand

  • Easy to transfer 
  • Branding for all kind of events (corporate, weddings, parties etc)
  • Touch Screen 10,5’
  • Photos, Gifs, Boomerangs and videos
  • Guests can send their photos gifs boomerangs and videos to their personal emails
  • Instagram uplods as boomerangs and videos can be saved as mp4 files
  • Filters
  • Digital Props
  • In-App Gallery: access to all your media files from the the screen (photos, gifs, boomerangs και videos)
  • Micro web site – live upload of all files created during the event. For example, through a web tv you can have a live gallery show of all your files created during the event (Photos, Gifs, Boomerangs and Videos)
  • Service is without printing and without booth attendant
  • It is possible to book Selfie Stand for more than 1 day, depending on your needs.
  • Pick up the booth from our premises and pre paid money guarantee in needed
Please watch the following video about our Selfie Stand service Send me an offer!